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Cookie policy description

SciEngine respects and protects the privacy of users. In order to optimize user experience, provide personalized services, and analyze user behavior, we will use cookie technology. This cookie policy aims to explain to you how Science uses cookies and how you control its use. Please read this policy carefully before using the Science service.

1. Definition and function of cookies

"Cookie" is a small text file. When you visit the website, the network server sends the file to your browser. The so -called "conversation cookie" will expire after the browser session, and record your activities during the browser session. On the contrary, "Permanent Cookie" will be preserved on your terminal device, which can record your settings or activities on multiple websites. Cookie does not constitute a risk to your computer, they are just simple text files, not executable programs.

Cookie's function

(1)Identity verification and security: Cookie can help Science to verify your identity and ensure that only authorized users can access your account information. They also help protect your account security and prevent unauthorized access.

(2)Personalized service: Cookie can remember your preference settings,such as language selection, font size, etc., so that you can provide a personalized user experience at your next visit.

(3)User behavior analysis: By analyzing the data collected by cookies, Science can understand how users use our services, thereby improving and optimizing our product functions and service quality.

(4)Advertising and directional: Cookie can also help SciEngine and third -party advertisers understand your interests and behaviors in order to provide you with more accurate advertising and directional services.

2. Cookie type used by SciEngine

(1)Strict Cookie

These cookies are essential for the normal operation of SciEngine. They allow you to log in and use our services, such as visiting your account, managing your articles or participating in community discussions. Without these Cookie, you may not be able to use SciEngine services normally.

(2)Performance Cookie

Performance cookies are used to collect information about website performance, such as page loading time and error rate. These data help us optimize the performance of SciEngine and improve the user experience.

(3)Function Cookie

Function Cookie is used to provide additional functions, such as remembering your preference settings, custom layout, etc. These cookies are designed to improve your user experience and make you more conveniently use the SciEngine service.

(4)Marketing Cookie

Marketing cookies are used to collect information about user behavior and interest so that we can conduct advertising orientation and promotion activities. These cookies may be set up by SciEngine or third -party advertisers.

3. Users choose and control

We respect the user's options for the use of Cookie. You can control the use of cookies in the following ways:

(1)Browser settings

Most browsers allow you to manage cookies through browser settings. You can enable, disable or delete cookies according to your needs. Please note that the disability of cookies may affect your access to some functions of your access to SciEngine service.

(2)Reject third -party cookie

If you don't want SciEngine to share your information with a third party, you can disable third -party cookies in the browser settings. This will prevent third -party advertisers and data analysis providers collect your information.

(3)Reject personalized advertising

If you don't want to see personalized advertisements based on your interests and behaviors, you can reject these advertisements through browser settings or tools provided by third -party advertisers.

(4)SciEngine 's cookie control tool

SciEngine may provide your own cookies control tools that allow you to control the cookies we use more specifically. These tools are usually located in our websites or applications, and you can access and set it at any time.

4. The purpose of the use of cookies

The main purpose of SciEngine using Cookie is as follows: as follows:

(1)Provide personalized services: According to your preferences and interests, recommend related articles, resources or activities for you so that you can easily obtain the required information.

(2)Optimize user experience: By analyzing user behavior, understanding users' activities on SciEngine, thereby improving and optimizing our product function and service quality.

(3)Marketing and advertising orientation: According to the user's interests and behaviors, provide you with more accurate advertising and directional services, so that you can learn more about scientific research and academic resources.

(4)Security: Verify user identity through cookies to ensure that only authorized users can access your account information to protect your account security.

5. Cookie's security and privacy protection

SciEngine attaches great importance to the privacy protection of users. We have taken the following measures to ensure the security and user privacy of cookies:

(1)Encryption transmission: We use secure encryption technology to transmit and store data in Cookie to ensure that the data is not stolen or tampered with during the transmission process.

(2)Anonymous processing: We will conduct anonymized processing the collected user data in order to identify your personal identity during analysis and advertising.

(3)Third -party review: We entrust third -party institutions to conduct regular review of our privacy protection policies and practices to ensure that we comply with relevant regulations and protect user privacy.

6. The update and revision of the cookie policy

With the development of technology and regulations, we may update and revise the cookie policy from time to time. When important changes occur, we will notify you through website announcement, email or other appropriate ways. Please check this policy regularly to learn about the latest changes.

7. Contact us

If you have any questions or suggestions on SciEngine 's cookies, please contact us at any time. You can contact us in the following way:


SciEngine 尊重并保护用户的隐私权。为了优化用户体验、提供个性化服务以及分析用户行为,我们会使用Cookie技术。本Cookie政策旨在向您说明SciEngine如何使用Cookie,以及您如何控制其使用。请您在使用SciEngine服务前仔细阅读本政策。


“Cookie”是一个小型文本文件。在您访问网站时,网络服务器就会将该文件发送至您的浏览器。所谓的“会话 Cookie”将在浏览器会话结束后过期,并在浏览器会话期间记录您的活动。与此相反,您的终端设备上也会保存“永久 Cookie”,可记录您在多个网站上的设置或活动。Cookie 不会对您的电脑构成风险,它们只是单纯的文本文件,而非可执行的程序。








































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